These are my general design notes for outlining what was needed for coding. They are probably only useful to me. Types of paypal things? - payment - subscription? IPN method: POST from paypal - verify: - "notify_version" = "1.6" - merchant ("receiver_email") POST back to paypal to confirm - set "cmd" = "_notify-validate" - POST to "": - validate certificate "/C=US/ST=California/L=Palo Alto/O=PayPal, Inc./OU=Information Systems/" - if answer is not "VERIFIED", abort - verify: - if "payment_status" is Completed: - transaction ID is not old - item details "mc_gross" = price of everything "mc_currency" = what you expected "item_name" "item_number" "quantity" numbers appended for multiple: "num_cart_items" - subscriptions - perform action based on "payment_status" - Canceled_Reversal - Completed - Denied - Failed - Pending see "pending_reason" - Refunded see "reason_code" - Reversed see "reason_code" - record "verify_sign" "payment_date" "txn_id" "parent_txn_id" for Refund, Reversal, Canceled_Reversal "settle_amount" "first_name" "last_name" "payer_business_name" "address_name" "address_street" "address_city" "address_state" "address_zip" "address_country" "address_status" "payer_email" "payer_id" "payer_status" TESTING - bad merchant - bad cert - "invalid" response - duplicate "completed" - "pending" then "completed"